Be the Observer
It’s basically what we all are doing from the time we had opened our eyes. But it is also true that it becomes stronger and stronger as we move upstairs of our age factor. You might have noticed that whatever you observe either lasts in your mind forever or vanishes the next second. It’s the mind game.

Look around yourself for a while and then try to focus… what you have focused on is what you or your mind is interested in. Our visualizing strength is aided by what we hear. It’s clearly understandable. Without the power of vision or hearing what our life would be like. Definitely, it’s even hard to imagine.

Being the observer, explore nature. Nature has a very calm and soothing effect on its observers. We should definitely opt for this opportunity to extract the juice of benefits from it. This all can be done via observation. Many of you might have noticed the scenario of rain, a cloudy day. You might also have enjoyed such scenarios sitting and observing for a long time, of course, is breathtaking.
Everyone is the observer than why are we talking about it? Actually, there is a need of bringing focus, clarity, and positivity to our observation behavior. The observation will impart its effect when we will take it seriously. Two types of thoughts the negative and positive keep on rushing in our minds. It’s entirely on us to choose which one. Then grab the positive one and take it into the account. Keep your mind happy, stay healthy.